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Companies speed up the recruitment process

By January 19, 2017March 25th, 2019Current Affairs, Top Tip
Recruitment on the Rise | HR Solutions

Nearly half of companies have shortened their recruitment times so they can get staff in post much quicker.


Research by Totaljobs reveals that 46% of employers have streamlined their hiring procedures to make it easier to find good candidates and get them in post quickly. They were also concerned that candidates were put off by the time it took to hire.

After surveying over 100 employers and 3,000 job hunters, Totaljobs found that 92% of employers are making job offers in less than a week after interview. Plus, 59% have cut the time between advertising a job and the first round of interviews to less than two weeks.

These results come just as the Office for National Statistics realised figures showing that unemployment had dropped to an 11-year low, which has made it even harder for employers to find the best candidates.

Changes in job hunting

To speed up recruitment and get people into the job quicker, 10% of employers now interview candidates via Skype. Also a quarter are using psychometric testing to help them decide on the cultural fit of candidates much quicker.

The survey also looked at how jobseekers find work. It found that 70% now use their mobile to look for work. But it found that only 47% of employers said their website and job applications were available on mobile devices. This is despite 84% of employers saying that their website was the key channel to advertise jobs. Although only 15% of job hunters said that they would like at a companies’ website first.

And while 53% of recruiters use networking sites to attract candidates, only 24% of people used them to find work. In fact, only 17% use social media for their job hunting.

While 59% of employers use general job boards to advertise jobs, around 57% use them to find work. Meanwhile 18% of candidates use recruitment websites related to their specific industry.

Further assistance

At HR Solutions we know how important it is to recruit the right people in the right places and how much time that process can take.  Our Fixed Fee Recruitment service will manage your hiring process from start to finish and ensure that you only have to deal with the most serious applicants. For more information visit:


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