Modern life is stressful, and whether work-related or otherwise your employees may struggle during difficult times. This is where an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) can help.

With the number of reported mental health problems increasing year on year, it’s vital for businesses to consider mental health in the same bracket as employee physical health. Prevention is always better than cure. We recommend promoting wellbeing in the workplace and tackling the causes of stress and poor mental health before they lead to absence.

An EAP gives employees the support that they need to help them manage their health and wellbeing issues effectively, whatever the cause of their discontent. By providing an independent, impartial service, you can help your employees to resolve their difficulties more quickly, and minimize the impact on your business.

An EAP can take the form of either telephone or face-to-face counselling, and can advise on a number of subjects. Typically employees may use an EAP to discuss:

Legal issues
Financial issues
Marital issues
Mental Health issues
Physical Health issues

We will also provide your employees with access to guidance documents and online advice so that they can continue to receive support at their own convenience.

There are several different options that you can use for your EAP scheme, which means you can be sure that your HR support programme is suitable for your business requirements.

If you would like more information and a quote for an EAP for your business, complete the contact form below or give us a call on 0844 324 5840.