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Abi Ashford brings a great level of experience and HR knowledge to the advisory team.

In 2019 Abi was promoted to HR Consultant from her previous role as Senior HR Advisor.  Abi has a degree in psychology, which can be useful given some of the calls that we receive on the helpline! Predominantly working in the manufacturing and engineering industry, Abi has worked up from Graduate trainee, through to HR Advisor, HR Manager and later HR Director level, gaining extensive experience along the way. Abi joined the BusinessHR team in 2006 and has also lectured part-time on the CIPD Personnel in Practice and Training courses, becoming a CIPD Steps Ahead Mentor for young people.

Abi’s knowledge spans the entire HR field. Her experience includes managing large scale resourcing and redundancy programmes, designing and delivering training initiatives, walking the tight rope of trade union negations  and managing major change projects. However the diversity of client enquiries are what she enjoys most at work, never knowing what the next call will bring. Abi is continually motivated by the ability to share her experience with our clients, guiding them on how best to tackle a particular issue.

Abi lives in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. In her spare time she enjoys keeping fit and trying to win as many matches as possible with her local netball team.

Abi’s Q&A

What’s your greatest Personal Achievement?

After having children I started to run, then joined a ‘Back to Netball’ group and now play netball matches in a local league – (Wing Defence) and Captain the Bromsgrove Netball Club – Purples team.

What’s the Best Advise you have ever been given?

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

Roald Dahl

I love Dahl quotes not only as I read and loved all of his books as a child and also now with my children; but also in a work context they are inspiring and useful for situations such as mediation, brainstorming and when writing training courses and ice breakers.

What is your favourite album?

Massive Attack – Blue Lines (as this reminds me of my time living in Bristol).

What do you wish other people knew about HR Solutions?

That we only recruit the best people onto our team, as you would surely expect from a Human Resources business! We all genuinely want to help our clients find the shortest and most practical business solution to their people problems – whilst still being legally compliant. Clients find this refreshing as opposed to others in our field who tend to put up unnecessary barriers to how our client wants to proceed.

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