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Greg is responsible for the strategic direction of HR Solutions and oversees business growth, business development and strategic partnerships whilst continuing to provide expert advice to a growing client list.

After obtaining a degree in Human Resources Management Greg moved to London, taking a HR training and recruitment position with the Police Information Technology Organisation (now the National Police Improvement Agency) whilst studying part-time for an MA in Personnel and Development. Greg then moved to BAE Systems and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he spent three and a half years delivering HR support for ex-pats, and trained the Saudi nationals in the art of Human Resource Management.

Greg came back to the UK and a position in BAE Systems’ Head Office, working for their Corporate Social Responsibility Department. Here he provided insight into the development of the Ethics Framework and Code of Conduct, and played a vital role in the collection of corporate data with regards to Health and Safety, CSR activities and Diversity. He also played an important part in the organisation and delivery of key seminars at the annual HR conference.

In January 2008 Greg moved to HR Solutions to take on the role of HR Consultant and Operations Director, where he introduced additional services to compliment the growing HR support side of the business. The company grew rapidly and Greg’s position continued to evolve, until in April 2014 he was appointed Managing Director. Following the merger with BusinessHR in 2015 Greg’s title changed once again to Chief Executive Officer.

Greg’s Q&A

What is your greatest personal achievement?

Whilst working in Saudi Arabia I had a generous amount of holiday, and so took the opportunity to do a lot of travelling. I’ve visited Lhasa in Tibet, and have seen six of the seven or eight modern wonders of the world, but I’d say that if I had to pick one it would be completing the Inca Trail, a four day hike across mountainous terrain, camping out and dealing with altitude sickness, intense heat and hungry llamas.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.” I don’t remember who said that (Google attributes it to Dr Gail Matthews).

What do you wish other people knew about HR Solutions?

That it’s a family business, from Carol, who’s my mum, to Toni, my wife, and myself. That’s an element that I believe makes the business stronger.

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