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5 ways to create a stand-out candidate recruitment experience

By December 11, 2019HR Solutions, Top Tip
Candidate Recruitment Experience | HR Solutions

In today’s increasingly talent-driven market recruitment has become more focused on the candidate experience, as recruiters compete for the best candidates. How you treat your job applicants can make all the difference in whether they will accept your job offer. A candidate’s experience through the recruitment and selection process is the start of their journey as an employee with your organisation.

Boost your candidate experience

How you treat your candidates says a great deal about your organisation and acts as a window into your company. Research into recruitment found that 56% of applicants who enjoyed a positive recruitment experience would look for employment with the organisation again in the future, while 37% would recommend the company to others. A further 23% would also likely become a customer of the company. Getting the candidate experience right can be the key differentiator between you and your competitors. To help you hire more effectively, you need to create a stand-out recruitment process.

1.   Job adverts and job descriptions

Any effective recruitment process starts with a strong job advert and job description that will motivate applicants to apply. Your job advert is the start of their relationship with your company and it’s crucial that you ensure it accurately represents your business. Meanwhile, a job description is what gives a candidate an insight into whether they would be suited to the role. A strong job description should not just make the role stand out but also effectively communicate the responsibility and function of the role. It should also be written in a language that speaks directly to your ideal candidate.

2.   Your career site

Your online careers section is your key platform to show potential applicants the reasons they should work with you. While you have initially attracted candidates with the job advert, your careers section provides the chance to convince them. You need to use this section to demonstrate the values that drive your business, the opportunities available and how the company develops careers. It also needs to show who you are, the workplace culture, and give a clear idea of what candidates can expect as well as get them excited about working at your company. Add testimonials from your current employees that talk about their career development and what they enjoy about working at the company.

3.   The application process

Many candidates now expect an entirely seamless application process that can even be completed on a mobile device. Each stage of the process should be accessible, mobile-friendly and easy to use. You should also consider the application itself. Many job applications ask too many questions which makes them very lengthy. Top candidates could be considering several job opportunities at once, so you need to make the process quick and simple. Ensure the questions you ask are focused and relevant. You will have the chance to get more information later, so just focus on the minimum number of questions that enables you to determine who best fits the bill.

4.   Communicating with candidates

Every candidate deserves to know what’s happened to their job application. The top complaint from candidates about recruiters is that they don’t get back to them or that an employer has taken too long to make their decision. Courteous and professional communications are not just what candidates expect, but it can also generate positive advocates for your brand, even among candidates who were unsuccessful. Just a simple call, email or text message with feedback, next steps and timeframes can work very well. It’s generally a good idea to ensure a selection decision is made at the final interview stage and all the candidates informed within two to four days as to whether they have been successful or not.

5.   Onboarding

The candidate recruitment experience doesn’t end with a job offer. The onboarding experience is crucial too. A smooth onboarding process helps you to nurture the initial stages of the relationship between your company and your new employee. It helps new employees settle into their new roles and you get your preferred candidate into your company quickly. You can then start to benefit from the costs incurred during the recruitment process and start the induction process immediately. When it is done correctly, onboarding enables new recruits to understand the company’s goals, reach their full potential and get productive quickly.

For advice or support with your next recruitment campaign, contact HR Solutions on 0844 324 5840. To find out about our Fixed Fee Recruitment service visit

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