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MPs call on Government to protect employment rights

By September 6, 2016February 11th, 2019Current Affairs
Fixed Fee Recruitment | Employment Rights | HR Solutions

A group of MPs, made up of pro-remain supporters, are calling on Theresa May and the Government to provide commitments to workers and employers, that employment rights provided under the EU, would be still be protected following Brexit.

There is serious concern that some of these rights would end after the UK leaves the EU, unless the Government prepares new laws to replace them.

The Vote Leave Watch group is a new campaign group committed to ensuring that Vote Leave campaigners that are now in Government, live up to the promises they made during the referendum campaign.

The group say that to safeguard workers’ rights, the Government should pass legislation that replaces the EU laws.

The group has also urged the Government to look at examples of where decisions that have come out of the European Court of Justice have led to better legal employment rights in the UK, and then make a commitment to protect these rights in law.

UK workers have enjoyed a lot of protection as a result of the country’s membership of the EU. Some commentators have said that there is unlikely to be a major change in employment rights and that most EU laws covering this area would continue even after Brexit.

Many hope that the level of protection currently given to workers is so embedded into our society and employment legislation that both the Government and employers would expect it to remain post-Brexit.

Also during the EU referendum campaign, Vote Leave campaigners promised voters that a Brexit would not impact current EU citizens in Britain. Vote Leave Watch are also urging the Government to ensure that EU nationals living in Britain are guaranteed the right to remain and have published a Vote Leave Watch.

But Theresa May has still not given any guarantees on this, which could also put at risk the status of over one million British nationals living abroad within the EU.

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