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Absence Management Strategy: A Focus on Mental Health

By January 23, 2020March 2nd, 2020Current Affairs, HR Strategy, Legal Update, Top Tip
Absence Management | Mental Health | Human Resources | Employment Law | HR Solutions

Balancing both compliance with employment law, and effective absence management at work can be a minefield for managers.

Absence and employee mental health

With the number of reported mental health problems increasing year on year it’s vital for businesses to consider employee mental health in the same bracket as employee physical health. This includes removing any stigma towards mental health in the workplace.

Prevention is always better than cure. We recommend promoting wellbeing in the workplace and tackling the causes of stress and poor mental health before they lead to absence. By being proactive and creating an open environment for your employees, the less they will feel the need to hide the real reason for their absence. Once employees are absent due to mental ill health, it is essential that the absence is handled with the appropriate approach and support mechanisms available.

Employee absence rights and policies

The range of HR hurdles which staff absence can cause is broad, to say the least; from awareness of AWOL (absence without leave) employee rights to tackling persistent short-term absence, and delicate long-term sickness cases. Unfortunately, there is not a one size fits all approach when it comes to absence management cases. In fact, the most appropriate approach to handle each absence management case can vary significantly.

Employment absence policies are a starting point, but practical absence management is where tribunal cases are lost and won. In an upcoming seminar which will be an interactive workshop, we’ll give you quick and actionable HR tips as well as some absence management strategies, which will help reduce risk and support your business.

In the absence management seminar, we will cover:

  • Managing an AWOL employee
  • When it is safe to assume resignation
  • Reducing persistent short-term absence
  • Legal tips on long-term absence management
  • When you can dismiss due to absence.

Watch Absence Management Webinar

Watch the absence management webinar recording, on demaind, and get actionable HR tips on minimising risks in relation to staff absenteeism at

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All of our webinars are recorded so that you can watch them on demand and at your convenience. To view past webinars, visit our Video and Webinar Archive at

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