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Sue Watson has gained extensive HR knowledge over the course of her career with HR management positions across a range of industries.

Sue began her HR career with a support role for the Royal Northern College of Music before moving into the manufacturing industry. An upward succession of HR roles followed over the next fourteen years. Since joining BusinessHR in 2001 Sue has completed consultancy projects as varied as HR audits, recruitment and TUPE transfers. She has worked with everyone from small enterprises to major NPOs, and is as comfortable liaising with senior management as she is with union officials.

Sue regularly conducts training workshops for all levels of management. Over the course of her career to date Sue has developed a keen understanding of employment law, disciplinary procedures and the benefits that an expert HR consultancy can bring to a business.

Sue lives in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, and is married with two children. She enjoys going to concerts and the theatre, and she spends any spare time that she has walking the dog, playing with the Mistura Clarinetti quartet and playing the piano in her church worship band.

Sue’s Q&A

What is your greatest personal achievement?

Completing my Diploma and CIPD qualifications while working full time and having not long had my second child. Studying and completing assignments while balancing work and home life was a real challenge but then having all my family attend the graduation ceremony was just brilliant!

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

From my late mother: “you are more capable than you think you are: just have the confidence to go for it”. I remember giving her the same advice back many years later when she queried if she should apply for a job herself, thinking she was too old to be starting a “proper” job. She did apply and she got it!

What is your favourite film?

I find it hard to choose just one as I love a good film but I think my all-time favourite is probably Inception. I also managed to stay awake as it was so complex!!

But close seconds are The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything ….

What do you wish other people knew about HR Solutions?

Between us we have a huge amount of knowledge and many years’ practical experience in the whole range of HR topics, so you can be confident that we can give you sound, professional, practical and pragmatic advice.

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