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Settlement of EU citizens in the UK, and UK nationals in the EU

By July 27, 2018March 26th, 2019Current Affairs, Legal Update, Top Tip
EU citizens and UK nationals | HR Solutions

On 21st June 2018, the Home Office published draft immigration rules that detail an ‘easy 3 step process’ settlement scheme for EU citizens living in the UK.

UK settlement status for EU citizens

The scheme which allows EU citizens living in the UK to obtain their new UK immigration status will open on a phased basis later this year with the aim of being fully open by 30 March 2019. The proposed deadline for applications is 30 June 2021 and applicants must have been living in the UK by 31 December 2020.

The Immigration Minister has outlined plans to make the application process easy i.e. it should take just 3 steps, be accessible through phones, tablets and computers, and cost less than the price of a passport.

People who have lived in the UK for five years or more may be eligible to apply for a ‘settled status’ and those who have lived in the UK for fewer than five years may be eligible to apply for a ‘pre-settled status’ in the first instance.

Caroline Nokes, the Immigration Minister said, “EU citizens make a huge contribution to our economy and to our society. They are our friends, family and colleagues and we want them to stay. This is an important step which will make it easy for EU citizens to get the status they need to continue working and living here.”

On the 25th July, the government published an EU Settlement Scheme: employer toolkit which guides employers to support any of their staff who may be affected. The material is reader friendly and includes leaflets and guidance on key information, the application process and terminology to help make the whole process more transparent and accessible.

In a recent survey by KPMG, EU citizens working in the UK were asked what the top five things might be which would reassure them about staying in the UK. Two of the top answers were; more communication about how Brexit will affect them (47%) and help to apply for UK residency (43%). The new toolkit will be a significant and easy way in which employers can work toward achieving the reassurances that are wanted.

EU settlement status for UK nationals

The UK’s published draft immigration rules show real progress and pave the way for the Government’s Brexit negotiations of a reciprocal arrangement with the EU to guarantee the rights of UK nationals living in the EU.

Recruitment and Brexit

Due to the increasingly looming date for Brexit, 29th March 2019, it seems that many of our clients have already seen their workforce from overseas parting company with them in these uncertain times.  Our webinar recording seeks to review these issues and consider how organisations can keep a healthy headcount so that instead of recruiting, you can focus on the daily running of the business.

Watch the webinar recording on demand at

We discuss:

•  Brexit – the impact on the overseas talent pool
•  Minimising resignations
•  Sourcing internally
•  Sourcing candidates
•  Maximising recruitment resources

At HR Solutions we know how important it is to recruit the right people in the right places – and how much time that process can take.  Our Fixed Fee Recruitment service will manage your hiring process from start to finish and ensure that you only have to deal with the most serious applicants.

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