Insolvency arrangements for employees who live and operate in EU member states – awareness of ‘no deal’ arrangements Hopefully insolvency is not something you have experienced and is not on…
European Works Councils (EWC) – awareness of ‘no deal’ arrangements European Works Councils represent the European employees of a company. The government aims to ensure that the existing rights and…
To visit Europe after Brexit there are things that you need to check and put in place before you travel. In addition to the checklist below, for further guidance visit…
Adapting policies and procedures post-Brexit With regards to your HR practices, be aware that you may be obliged to amend your policies and procedures if the laws change. We normally…
Recent changes to right to work checks regarding the EU Settlement Scheme You need to be aware that those who have applied for and received a ‘pre-settled’ or ‘settled’ status…
Examine current staffing and identify EU nationals currently employed We would advise that you work out the number of EU nationals you employ, who arrived in the UK prior to…
31 October 2019: Brexit Day? It’s October 2019 and Brexit is still in progress. On the 10 April 2019, at a meeting of the European Council, the UK and…
Conisbee v Crossley Farms and others In this case, the employee (claimant) had been employed at Crossley Farms as a Waiter/Barman from April 2018 until he resigned on 30 August…
Modern working practices are moving toward the ever-increasing trend of flexible working. Major job search websites are reporting that key words linked to ‘flexibility’ are now common search criteria used…
Guidance has been released which provides clarity on the extent to which processing personal data will continue to be governed by the EU GDPR. This data protection guidance clarifies that,…