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The EU Question

By February 23, 2016February 24th, 2016Current Affairs
The EU Question | HR Solutions

The UK will go to the polls on the 23rd of June to determine whether or not the country will stay in the European Union.

Our membership of Europe impacts on every aspect of our lives, something which is sure to be examined in close detail as June comes closer. The threat of economic instability has already surfaced as this week Boris Johnson’s commitment to leave the EU saw the value of the pound tumble.

Before anything else, it is important to keep in mind that if the UK does decide to split from the EU, legislative change will not happen overnight. Whilst preparations may be made ahead of the referendum, unpicking any unwelcome EU legislation from UK law will be a lengthy process.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee of significant change even happening. Whilst Cameron has said that he plans to create a ‘British Bill of Rights’ to replace the European Human Rights Act, it is highly likely that any significant changes to the current bill would meet fierce opposition. Meanwhile the free travel of people to the UK would most likely continue even in the event of a vote to leave.

As it stands, the question of where we could be in four months’ time is too hypothetical to predict.

HR Solutions CEO Greg Guilford said: “If the UK decides to come out of the EU, it could take as long as two years before there is any meaningful change to employment legislation.”

“The consequences of an ‘out’ vote could include a loss of trade for UK businesses or a drop in talent as tighter immigration controls restrict who can stay in the country. But it’s still unknown what will happen at this point.”

The battle for your votes has already started in earnest. However, until there is more understanding about what Cameron’s deal will mean and about what a post-EU UK could look like, we can do little more than speculate.

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