HR Solutions Webinar:
5 Ways Managers Can Support Mental Health at Work

Awareness of the scale of mental health issues is growing rapidly, and with that follows the need to increase our understanding of how people experiencing mental ill health can be supported in the workplace.

Employers have a duty of care toward their employees, and where managers may support those with physical ill health regularly, they may not feel as confident with how to approach and support someone suffering with mental ill health.

Mental health problems cost employers in the UK £30 billion every year through lost production, recruitment and absence.

In this free HR webinar recording, which you can watch on demand, we will look at just 5 ways in which managers can use HR approaches to support mental well-being, which can lead to a happier and more dedicated team of staff – and can also help to reduce the severity, duration and quantity of mental ill health issues that may arise in the workplace.

Get support, or further information, in relation to any HR related matter by contacting HR Solutions on telephone number 0844 324 5840 or visiting

Listener Feedback
We are very pleased that a leading consultant occupational physician attended this live session and gave some excellent feedback. She also kindly pointed out that the phrase ‘Occupational Health Therapist’ was used in this session, however the correct reference should have been ‘Occupational Health Professionals’. Particularly as we cross specialisms, we appreciate any valuable feedback from our listeners.