HR Solutions Webinar:  Staying away from employment tribunals

Most employers will be aware of the recent decision of the Supreme Court, to the effect that the introduction of the high level fees in the employment tribunal was unlawful. The fees were introduced just over 4 years ago and resulted in a huge – over 70% – reduction in the number of claims.

Now that the employment tribunal fees have been scrapped, do we expect to see a return to the high level of claims brought previously? Well, the optimistic stance is that maybe we won’t go back quite as far as the previous levels. The Acas conciliation scheme is an effective and cheap way of settling smaller and more straightforward claims, and the involvement of Acas does tend to encourage a more realistic approach from both employees AND employers – so given that that is still the mandatory first step before lodging a claim, this may keep a lid on the situation.

Watch our webinar recording to find out some practical advice on staying away from tribunals.

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