SME Challenges 2021
HR Solutions and Deloitte Propel

In this webinar Greg Guilford, CEO of HR Solutions and Graham Renwick, Partner at Deloitte Propel discuss the results of the SME Business Survey, and the key challenges identified, as well as present practical guidance as to how to overcome these challenges.


Further Support

HR, Health and Safety Advice:  HR Solutions are here to help with advice and support on any employment and workplace health and safety related issues; to find out more, complete the contact us form further below or call us on 0844 324 5840.

SME  Challenges Post COVID-19:  The results of the ‘SME Business Survey’ aim to give you an insight into the challenges that UK businesses think they will be facing over the next 12 months.  Download the free report to get gain practical insights into how to overcome these challenges.

Risk & Compliance Audits:  These free risk and compliance audits will help you to identify and then minimise risks for your organisation.  Each audit takes about 15 minutes to complete and you will automatically receive, via email, an actionable  report for your organisation.

HR Retainer:  As a small to medium size business, you might not have the time or money available to have a full-servicing HR Department.  That’s where our HR Retained service can help. Get comprehensive HR support, all of the documents that you need, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your business is protected. Prices start from just £138 per month, depending upon company size.  Find out more at

Need HR, Health & Safety Advice?

Please complete the contact form and one of our team will call you back to discuss your query and present suitable options.