HR Solutions Webinar:  GDPR Compliance | Stage 3 DPIA & Privacy by Design

HR Solutions have devised a straight forwards, five-step programme for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are running a webinar for each step, each month, finishing in May 2018 when the Regulation is mandatory.

Our GDPR webinars are a useful sense check and a great opportunity to ask us any questions you still have to tie up your loose ends.

Our first webinar in the ‘Five Steps to GDPR Compliance’ series covered data auditing and cleansing – if you missed this webinar titled ‘GDPR Stage 1 Audit’, watch it on demand at

Our GDPR Stage 2 webinar seeks to clarify who’s who from a HR perspective so that you may feel confident about getting the basics in order and able to delegate in a way that complies with the Regulation. We cover the roles and responsibilities of: The Data Controller; The Data Processor; The Data Protection Officer; Data Subjects; Third Parties;  and Recipients.  Throughout the webinar we will discuss, from a HR perspective, whom in your organisation may fall under each of these roles.  Watch the webinar recording on demand at

GDPR STAGE 3 – DPIA & Privacy by Design
In our third webinar, we talk about talk to you about Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA), how to implement the requirement for ‘Privacy by Design’ and when you may have done enough. We cover: who needs to complete a DPIA; why the steps of a DPIA will ensure ‘Privacy by Design’; the components of a DPIA; a recap on legal bases for data processing; a recap on organisational and technological measures; and a focus on security.


To request a free GDPR risk and compliance audit click here.

To find out more about On-Site HR Support or any of our outsourced services please call us on 0844 324 5840 or contact us online.