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Walk to The Gambia

HR Solutions and Crispin Rhodes actively support charities, both locally and nationally, either through direct sponsorship or by organising major fundraising events. So far we’ve raised over £120,000 for charities and good causes.

We’re proud to support the fantastic work of the Oasis Project in the Gambia to help raise funds for the Starlight School in Bakau. This is a project that’s very dear to our hearts and one we’ve seen make a real difference to hundreds of children over the past few years.  There is a need to expand the Starlight School, to enable them to take in more children and our goal is therefore to raise £30,000 to build, furnish, equip and staff two new classrooms.  To achieve this, our fundraising ‘Walk to The Gambia’ will see our team walking the distance of a 3,689 mile round trip, that’s an incredible 7,378 miles in total and approximately 76 Days of walking between us all!

Our goal is to raise £30,000 to build, equip and staff two new classrooms at the Starlight School in The Gambia.  Watch the webinar recording, to hear our HR Services Director, Angela Rhodes tell you all about this great cause.

Sponsor our Walk

Help raise funds for the Starlight School in Bakau.

HR Solutions and Crispin Rhodes Walk to The Gambia | The Oasis Project

How far have we walked?

How far are we along our 7,378 mile walk?

1 February:  1989 miles
We walked further than the distance to Morocco by the 1st February 2021.

15 May 2021:  4,200 miles
We have reached Gambia and are now on our way back, stopping off at Lemhaisrat, Mauritania!

Thanks for your help

Your donation helps expand the Starlight School


Want to join us or help? Get in touch…

If you’d like to join us for upcoming charity events, or let us know how you would like to help us help our chosen charity, get in touch.

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