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Staff stories: Victoria Templeton

HR Knowledge Manager

“I really recommend working for HR Solutions,  there are great opportunities for development and it’s a great team to work with.”



Victoria’s role
My role with HR Solutions is HR Knowledge Manager. This means that I am responsible for all of the content from our Knowledge Base to our HR Consultants and none of it would be possible without the teamwork across the company.

My career so far
I joined HR Solutions nearly three years ago. I joined having worked elsewhere in a HR department and initially joined the HR helpline. From there the opportunity came up for me to become the HR Knowledge Manager and I haven’t looked back since.

Company culture
I think it’s great that HR Solutions support hybrid working, allowing me to work both from home, and in the office. I love coming into the office when I can because of the team environment which means we can all share knowledge with one another.

Working at HR Solutions
The career progression at HR Solutions is brilliant because there are so many different HR teams that you have the opportunity to become a part of. I really recommend working for HR Solutions,  there are great opportunities for development and it’s a great team to work with.

Meet the team

To find out more about Victoria and what her role as an HR Knowledge Manager involves, check out her profile here.


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